PREFACE This isn’t and won’t be finished T. Person “completes” Margaret Devadason Intention was to preserve the multitudes of the original in its various drafts Krystalle Teh “completes” Xiao Ting The working definition for completion here is excavation Xiao Ting “completes” Lizzie Davis “The entire city had been built with no exit” Ng Sze Min “completes” Krystalle Teh I create chunk texts using the predictive text SwiftKey “completes” Qamar Firdaus Saini, who “completes” SwiftKey Fills the gaps between the words that were left behind Qamar Firdaus Saini “completes” Nguyễn-Hoàng Quyên Added two brief vignettes to bring the original to a close Ann Ang “completes” Swedha Rajaram I was interested in subversion and irony Joey Chin “completes” Changming Yuan Ideas looked like maggi mee without the mee Max Pasakorn “completes” Toh Hsien Min The attempt is less about “completion” than transformation Nguyễn-Hoàng Quyên “completes” Alvin Ong I have decided to respond in a rather fluid way Alvin Ong “completes” LJ Kessels Some of them still cling to me Jack Xi “completes” Ann Ang I present to you a collection of dissected organs lined up for your pleasure Margaret Devadason “completes” Jack Xi I have composed a bricolage around the line Iain Lim Jun Rui “completes” Joey Chin Completions are slightly overrated Al Lim “completes” Max Pasakorn Like a Facebook feed, the process of writing and rewriting is always ongoing Rodrigo Dela Peña, Jr., “completes” T. Person After months of procrastination, I started on this with an editor’s mindset Toh Hisen Min “completes” Timothy Tan Now the unfinished has been (un)finished Shen Xingzhou “completes” Rodrigo Dela Peña, Jr.